Meet Shayne McKinney

Written by: Shayne McKinney

Hi everyone! 

My name is Patrick Shayne McKinney and I’ll be the co-host of “dad hats”.   

I’m here as a non-expert in the field of parenting to give unofficial advice, with good hearted intentions, served on a plate of humility.

Having a 2 and a half month old baby girl gives me the biological qualification to share lessons I’ve learned and the inspiration to ask new questions about my developing role as a parent.

Having a 2 and a half month old baby girl should also tell you that I’m Sleep deprived, helpless, overwhelmed, and have no idea what day or time it is.

Like I do when coming across almost any scenario, decision, or challenge in my life, Under the surface  I overthink it, go back and forth on how to prepare and execute, consider every single outcome, and then ask my wife  what she thinks so I can get some extra perspective to top it off. So, why would being asked to write a little something introducing myself to our readers/listeners be any different?

When I told her I was putting together my “about the author”, she simply laughed and stated: “Husband. Father. Sports fan.”

Of course I made a mountain out of a mole hill and she slaps me in the face with simplicity, giving me a breath of clarity. I loved how she picked out 3 of my biggest defining factors and “hats” that I wear, so I think I’ll expand in the similar style:

Business-man. Christian. Diaper changer. Cook. Laundry washer. Coach. Friend. Laundry folder. Dish doer. Sweeper. Carrier of groceries. Bill payer. Athlete...ish. Medicine administrator. Spider hit man. Waiter. Manager. Social navigator. Battery charger. Organizer. Baby-burper. Financial analyst. Meal picker. Porch sweeper. Trash-taker-outer.  Spider de-Webber.  Counselor. Lifter of heavy stuff. Hugger. Transporter. Comforter. Lover. Partner. Teammate.

The list goes on and on.

As a Father, I wear a lot of hats in my day to day - usually accompanied by bags under my eyes- that directly or indirectly affect my dad-hood. The newest of which I’ll be putting on is a member of the Barker, hosting a pod cast with a dear friend and fellow dad hat wearer, Brandon Morales.

I’m looking forward to growing with you all and seeing what hats we share in this life of fatherhood.

-Shayne McKinney


Meet Brandon Morales