the barker presents,

The Little Things

Hosted by: Mitch & Jake

 The Little Things is a Podcast hosted by Mitch & Jake, where we share deep conversations about the little things in life.

My good friend and partner Mitch Reed came over for a grill out on the farm in late June of this year. We had a great conversation about the various events in our lives and how our focus and priorities change as we age. The more we got to talking the more we realized how our thoughts and goals about life were aligned. We want to impact people on a deeper level and decided there was more we could do.

The Little Things Podcast centers around Mitch’s book he wrote in 2017 titled Cardboard Confessionals. The book is based on a class project in which students were asked 7 questions about a variety of topics on life. The answers he received were eye opening. Deep conversations ensued within the class and the idea to share these stories, and what individuals are going through, was born.

Using the questions and answers as an outline, Mitch and I dive into the meanings behind everyday events and interactions in our lives. If we try to better understand what people are going through we can help to increase everyone’s quality of life.


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