Happy Birthday


I cannot believe it has already been a year. Where has the time gone? It feels like only yesterday I held you for the first time. I still am in shock at how quickly a year has flown by. I often look through my phone at all of your photos and it still feels unreal that so much time has passed by. It amazes me how big you have gotten.

When you were born, you were so little. You only fit in preemie onesies. We had a box of newborn diapers ready for you and they were so big that I had to go and get preemie diapers for you. Yet here you are, a year old and firmly setting the table in terms of length at the 102nd percentile.

Still, the greatest joy I have is watching you grow and advance every day. From learning how to roll over (though now it is a battle anytime were in the diaper change process and you begin trying to do a barrel roll) to sitting up on your own, crawling and now beginning to walk and say words (btw, daddy was your first word, sorry mom).

Your smile gets me every time. Seeing your face light up every day I come home from work feels like a reward in itself. The sheer excitement you have when you first see me never gets old. No matter how long, or hard my day at work has been, all of my feelings of tiredness and frustration are immediately left at the door. Seeing your reaction when I arrive, it melts me every time. I look forward to getting home to play with you. Whether it is pushing you around on your mickey fire truck, playing with all the lights, switches and buttons on all of your toys or pushing little toy cars around, every part of it are the best parts of my day.

Remember Ezra, I will always be here for you. To love you, to teach you, to guide you, to protect you, and to help pick you up any time you may stumble. This is my promise to you.

Happy birthday son, I love you.


Your Dad.


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