It Builds Character

It Builds Character Growing up, I absolutely loved the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. One of the long running “jokes” was his dad always looking to build his character. Anytime he struggled or faced some sort of adversity his dad would simply say “It builds character”.

Now I get it though, I truly want Ezra to face adversity, and often. I want him to be someone truly motivated and guided by his moral character.

I look back on much of my life and I realize I had horrible character. I was lazy, disrespectful, irresponsible and foolish. It wasn’t until I grew and matured that I found myself and developed the characteristics I have now.

So how do I pass these values on to Ezra in a healthy and responsible way? I know that he is only one right now, but let me tell you, this kid is already shaping up to be a handful. He is so similar to me it is scary.

Above everything else, I want to make sure he is a truly good person, to his very core. I want him to see the good in things and be that helping hand for his friends, family and strangers. Even if it perceived as being naïve, that is not what is important. What is on the inside of the individual is what truly counts.

I truly believe that raising our children with proper morals is the absolute key to building a better future. I look around and see the world in such a different light now as a father. It frustrates me seeing parents just blowing off their duties in public, or having their children talk back to them. It frustrates me because I used to act just like that.

The difference between me now and me then was just facing the realities of life. I am so hard-headed and stubborn. My parents tried giving me lessons, told me of their own struggles and I just let it fly in one ear and out the other. I proved to be the type who needs to learn things the hard way. I dug myself in pits and put my foot in my mouth many different times.

Luckily, I was blessed with is the ability to persevere as well as to be a quick study. I pick things up quickly. I learn from my mistakes. I have become more analytical and critical of my actions and words spoken the more I have grown. Me ten years ago is so different than me now. Heck me five years ago seems like a stranger too!

Again, back to the task at hand. How do I pass this all on to Ezra? I know the best teacher is experience, but I don’t want him to experience things the same way I had to. I figure the best thing that I can do is to talk with him. Every day. Teach him hard work and discipline, constantly challenge him. Raise him to be head strong and fearless.

Another aspect of character, I feel, is compassion. While I often come off (to my friends anyways) as a very black and white, no sympathy person. I do have empathy and can sympathize with people. Though it is somewhat true, I have little sympathy for people who waste their time and complain of their situations. But if I see someone struggling, but still showing effort, my respect for that person will never be questioned.

I hope for Ezra to see the best parts of me and to expand on them further. To be the ultimate good guy, but to know when to not let others take advantage of him. It seems like such a difficult line for a person to walk though. Then again, good things never seem to come easy right?

-Brandon Morales


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