
Dad Hats Andrew Keo Dad Hats Andrew Keo

Welcome Home

I’ll stop there because that’s just a basic list with most essentials covered. There were some items sold every where for baby readiness that we felt were a little “extra” that we opted against listing on registries or purchasing for ourselves.

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Dad Hats Andrew Keo Dad Hats Andrew Keo

Our Miracle

The feeling of having control is a comforting feeling. Knowing that we can dictate how things are done brings a sense of calmness to oneself. Well, when your significant other is pregnant, welcome to a period of the most powerless you will ever feel.

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Dad Hats Andrew Keo Dad Hats Andrew Keo

The Arrival

The ball is officially rolling. I have a pregnant wife, we’re going to check ups, getting ultrasounds done, and preparation is officially under way for the arrival of our bundle of joy.

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Dad Hats Andrew Keo Dad Hats Andrew Keo

Meet Brandon Morales

Your first-time driving, first time drinking (a legal) beer, a first fight, its all of these things that create and shape the person you become. You can prepare for so many things in life, but no matter the scenario the first of anything is always an exhilarating experience.

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Dad Hats Andrew Keo Dad Hats Andrew Keo

Meet Shayne McKinney

My name is Patrick Shayne McKinney and I’ll be the co-host of “dad hats”.I’m here as a non-expert in the field of parenting to give unofficial advice, with good hearted intentions, served on a plate of humility.

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